Saturday, April 27, 2013

Infant Warmers Have Their Impact at RBH

Since its launch in late March of this year, the Embrace Nest has provided a crucial defense against infant hypothermia in Kabul's Rabia Balkhi Hospital. Afghanistan has some of the worst infant mortality rates in the world according to the World Health Organization. With the help of our partners, we are helping take small steps that will have substantial impacts. In Afghanistan's resource deprived setting, innovative technology and dedicated people can make the difference. Click here to learn more about the technology used by Embrace.

Meela Sarwar, far right, Site Manager for our Embrace program at RBH introduces the infant warmers to hospital staff.

The first of the newborns to benefit from the Embrace Nest, triplets born at the RBH maternity ward.

As previously mentioned, this is a pilot program with only a limited number of units currently in use with the expectation that the program will expand to at least 3 other public hospitals in the area later this summer. Our goal is to have maximum number of units in place and actively in use before the next harsh Afghan winter later this year. In less thank one month so far, a total of 26 infants have been cared for in the Embrace Nest. 

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