Saturday, September 28, 2013

Malalai Maternity Hospital: Expanding the reach of Embrace Infant Warmer ahead of the Kabul winter

Introducing Malalai Maternity Hospital. Located in Kabul, it is one of the larger birthing centers in the city and a well recognized name that has survived decades of war. It has been a focus of multiple national and international organizations who recognize the important role it plays in healthcare delivery for the entire region.

The first premature infant placed into the Baby Wrap

Along with our partners at Embrace, we have selected Malalai as the second site to host the use of Embrace Nest. This is the first step of our efforts this fall to counter infant hypothermia before the onset of the harsh winter. Embrace is ideal for the setting; it provides constant heat to vulnerable low-birth-weight and premature newborns in a region where supplies are scarce and infant mortality among the highest in the world. At each site, the Embrace program is accompanied by training of mothers and care-givers in community-based hypothermia prevention measures.

Training session for doctors and nurses of Malalai Maternity Hospital

Our initial site at Rabia Balkhi Hospital (click here for the story) has seen a great benefit from the 10 units in use there since April of this year, with over 2,000 infants treated. Malalai will also start with 10 units in full-time use, with an anticipated increase in the number of units in the future. 

All photos are the property of HED-A and Embrace, please do not reproduce without placing a formal request and written consent.