Thursday, November 1, 2012

Warmth to Afghanistan Program

HEEDA is very proud to introduce our newest and most ambitious new health delivery program. In partnership with Embrace, Harvard School of Public Health, and the Stanford University School of Medicine we will implement a new program this coming January 2013 to address the issues of neonatal hypothermia during Afghanistan's cold and unforgiving winter.

The project announced in the Embrace Newsletter will begin at one public hospital in Kabul and quickly expand to others. The Embrace Nest, an innovative infant warmer/incubator, will provide much needed warmth to a population with one of the highest mortality rates anywhere. It will also help address issues of infection control and crowding of infants in incubators.

Please contact us with any questions or if you would like to get involved. Take the time to learn more about Embrace and the Embrace Nest here: How it Works. 

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