Monday, April 17, 2017

The Afghan Cancer Foundation Bay Area Visit

Entry by Yagana Parwak.

The Afghan Cancer Foundation (ACF) visited the Bay Area in February 2017. During this 3-day visit, HEEDA hosted ACF at numerous events to bolster local support for ACF's mission to find and fight cancer in Afghanistan. This entry relates to events on the days following the fundraiser held in Fremont, CA (click here for more that event)

The 2 days following the fundraiser members of HEEDA introduced the Chief Executive of ACF, Dr. Abdullah Maihan, to 2 of the world's most advanced cancer research and treatment facilities: Stanford Cancer Institute and the UCSF Cancer Center. The meetings were intended to expand the network of ACF and to solicit support for the newly formed Foundation that is literally starting from scratch and hoping to provide cancer can for an entire nation. Here is a brief summary of the events and those involved: 

1) Monday, 27 February 2017
ACF + Stanford University Cancer Center Meeting and Tour
Stanford University, CA

On Monday, February 27th 2017, Dr. Sumit Shah kindly facilitated a meetings and tour of the Stanford Cancer Center. This included:

·      Hodgkin's Tumor Board Case Conference
·      Meet with Dr. Ranjana Advani, director of Stanford Lymphoma Program
·      Meet with Dr. Branimir Sikic, Professor of Oncology and Dev Therapeutics. Dr. Sikic has previously advised Croatia on a National Cancer Program
·      Tour of Stanford Hospital, ending at the Cancer Center

2) Tuesday, 28 February 2017
ACF, HEEDA + UCSF Global Cancer Program Meeting
UCSF Mission Bay, San Francisco, CA

On Tuesday, February 28th 2017, ACF, HEEDA and the UCSF Global Cancer Center met to discuss opportunities for shared collaboration and support between ACF and UCSF Global Cancer Center. The following attendees were present:

 Dr. Katherine Van Loon, MD MPH
UCSF Global Cancer Center Director

Dr. Deirdre Olynick, PhD MBA
UCSF Global Cancer Center Associate Director

Dr. Maihan Abudllah, MD MPH
ACF Director

Miss Suraya Rashid
ACF Board Member, HEEDA Representative

Dr. Ron Balassanian MD
UCSF Global Cancer Center Faculty, Pathologist

The meeting allowed for all three organizations to become familiar with each other’s work and we identified three opportunities for collaboration:

1.    Developing and implementing a National Cancer Registry
2.    Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey for providers regarding cancer
3.    Ways to address pathologist and pathology shortages in Afghanistan

The next step is to articulate these expectations in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between ACF, HEEDA and UCSF Global Cancer Center.   

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